WHY 40% Of Marketers Now Use Shoppable Video And Why You Should Too




Consumer’s purchasing decisions for buying a particular brand are heavily influenced by multimedia marketing. From the early days of marketing, product images have played a keen role in influencing a customer’s buying decision. Today is no different.

In this digitalization age, we are using YouTube and other streaming sites to revolutionize the world of video marketing with “shoppable videos”. Almost 85% of marketers are using videos to grab the attention of their customers, so if you are not using them for your brand, you are losing out on both — leads and profits.

However, no video ad will do for your customer, and they want something new and worthy to get their attention. This curiosity among customers, brands, and marketers has given rise to “Shoppertainment” videos.

Hey, I Know About Videos — But What’s Shoppable Video?

Shoppertainment = Shopping + Entertainment.

With so many platforms, brands and exciting products, it is getting difficult for both customers and marketers to concentrate on one product at a time. Thus to have the full concentration of customers, innovative marketers have developed shoppertainment videos. The content of these videos is entertaining and encourages customers to buy a specific product while watching its advertisement.

This trend is doing exceptionally well within Generation X and millennials as it triggers them to continue online shopping and complete their purchase. The pandemic has also given Shoppertainment videos the push to be famous among all age groups.

What Does eCommerce Industry Trends Have To Say About Shoppable Videos?

Here are a few trends of the eCommerce industry that will motivate you to continue showcasing your products through these trendy and exciting shoppable videos:

1. 100 minutes daily — The average time people are spending on watching videos.

2. Almost 54% of customers are excited or wait to watch the videos of their favourite brands.

3. In 2019 alone, approximately 87% of marketers started using video marketing as a strategy.

4. Almost 59% of marketers who were not using video marketing before started using it.

5. 80% of marketers use video marketing to get ROI on their content.

6. According to CISCO, globally, the live-stream video traffic will rise 15-fold between 2017 and 2022.

So are you using shoppertainment videos to interact with your client? If not, then why not?

Amazing Platforms That Have Made Shoppable Video A Mega Hit!

Most of the marketing and advertising platforms can incorporate videos on it, though their specifications may differ. From live-streaming to in-app purchases, here are some platforms that you can use to stream your shoppertainment videos:

1. Instagram

In 2018, Instagram introduced Instagram Shoppable Posts. They are native integrations that allow marketers or brands to tag a maximum of 5 products to their content, including posts and videos.

Not just that! Users can directly click on the post if the content intrigues them and can purchase without actually leaving the app.

However, to enjoy this feature of this fantastic platform, you must have a business account authorized for Instagram Shopping.

2. YouTube

Already a video streaming platform started accommodating shoppable videos in 2020. TrueView Cards or the image of a product in the video and the link help intrigued customers buy the product.

Sync your account to Google Merchant Center to utilize YouTube shoppable ads and videos. In this way, you can expand CTA buttons and use them to feature your brand’s product pages.

Shoppable videos can also be integrated with the Video Action Campaign, which brings video ads to YouTube’s home feed, watch pages, and Google video partners.

3. Shoploop

An app presented by Google’s Area 120 research division will help marketers introduce new products in 1 minute and 30 seconds or less.

Not just that! If you want to use videos to highlight a particular product or different type of product, you can do that too with Shoploop.

In this platform, viewers can either save the products to buy later or click on the direct link to the brand’s or merchant’s website if they want to purchase the product.

4. Simsim

In 2021, Google-owned YouTube acquired Simsim, a social commerce company that helps connect local businesses, influencers, and customers.

Creators post review videos about local products and services. Customers watching these videos can directly buy the product through this application.

Another reason that makes this platform the best choice to buy products is the videos are available in three vivid languages — Hindi, Tamil, and Bengali. Thus, now you can personalize your sales and reach your customers in their preferred language.

So do you already have a favorite, or have you got a new favorite platform to create shoppable videos for your brand?

Why Marketers Are Referring Shoppable Videos An Untapped Gold Mine for eCommerce Retail:

Are you curious to know about it too? Well, here are a few points that will answer you why shoppable videos are the untapped gold mines of the eCommerce retail industry:

1. Brand Loyalty

Retailers face difficulty attracting, retaining and keeping their customers engaged with their content. Shoppable content is a solution that allows retailers to improve their customers’ experience and see how a product can be used for their benefit.

Through video content, customers can watch the real-life and not just reel life benefits of the products. Your sales, conversions, and brand loyalty are sure to increase due to this improved user experience.

2. Sales Boost by closing the gap between discovery and purchase

A video is an effective tool that helps customers settle on a purchase decision. Using videos in your marketing strategy and content like landing pages or product pages can help you increase your sales. Shoppable videos are excellent to drive 2x more engagement than any ordinary video.

With shoppable videos, a customer doesn’t need to explore all the other products on the website unless they want to. They just need to tap on the product shown on the video to get the details. It saves their time and makes it easier to sell your products quickly.

3. Improved Conversions

Brands that add product feeds to their Video action campaigns achieve over 60% more conversions at a lower cost as they offer a tool to the customer that makes them stay longer on the website and interact with your products.

With shoppable videos as your top marketing tool, you can increase your conversion rates. It doesn’t matter whether you can begin from the top-of-the-funnel or bottom-of-the-funnel.

4. Enhanced Engagement

Interactive videos that are shoppable attract customers and shorten the sales cycle. With advanced technology on your eCommerce platform, you can enhance customer engagement, resulting in a better user experience.

Therefore, if you want to turn your business into a band, you must use shoppable videos. Why? With videos, you can give an engaging brand experience to your customers. How? By telling stories that connect your brand to your customers.

5. Re-targeting Customers

Reconnect with your customers again and again through incredible videos and content they just can’t ignore. If you want to drive more conversion and engagement, step into your customer’s shoes and understand their needs. Know them, develop their personas and take action to keep their attention on you!

A video is an excellent way to grab your viewer’s attention. Do not forget that you can impact their product selection, brand awareness, and cross-channel touchpoints with engaging viewers and personalized content. So, is your company ready to use shoppable videos for marketing their products?

But, How To Do It Right? — These Best Practices for Creating Shoppable Videos Will Help:

1. Notify The Viewer That The Video Is Interactive At The Start

The beginning of the video should inform the viewers that they can interact with the video via the slate, captions, or voiceover. How will you do so? Making shopping easy for customers, add a shoppable link within the first few seconds of the video.

2. Give The Audience Time To Understand The Message

Ensure that all your shots are run for at least 30 seconds so that your customers have enough time to interact with the video. Allow them time to interact with the hotspots. This way, your customers will be able to comprehend your message better.

3. Focus Only On A Few Items

Each shot of the video should just have three product options. Don’t overwhelm your customers with too many choices. It will only confuse them. To obtain the highest interaction rates, display the products in a full frame.

4. Have A Clear CTA

A single call-to-action needs to be used throughout the video for better conversions. The product names are essential, but you shouldn’t omit the call-to-action button at any point.

5. Do A/B Testing

With limited case studies, it is hard to justify the future of shoppable videos. Thus you must gather your data and do your research. You can use A/B testing to explore what works, and further use it to improve your shoppable video and marketing strategies.

Final thoughts

You must align your business process with shoppable media to make your company a brand. Incorporating interactive videos will only help you drive more conversions, generate new leads, boost your sales, and make your customers aware of your brand’s existence. So make sure you do it all and continue to create shoppable content to enhance your user’s experience and business’s profitability. Not just that, you can also try Builderfly’s live streaming feature and connect it to other social channels to show your products and start selling right away.



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