No matter what business you’re in, you probably have some insight from things you’ve learned along the way in your entrepreneurial journey.
That knowledge is valuable — and it can be put to good use when transformed into a valuable asset for your audience — like an e-book.
However, many online retailers struggle to understand how to approach the e-book writing, publishing, and selling process. It can be intimidating, so some opt not to even try.
In this post, we’ll walk you through the e-book process from start to finish, offer some helpful resources that will simplify the process, and get you started down the path toward selling your very first e-book.
How to Select a Topic for Your E-book
The first step is to nail down what your e-book will be about.
Most often, e-books teach a reader how to do something — so think back on your unique skillset and personal experiences that would be relevant to your audience. Consider what result you can help a reader achieve — as well as how it might relate to your store’s main product offerings.
Using the papercrafts example, you could show some ways you’ve used paper products to decorate your own home (or homes of clients and friends.) This adds relevant context to your e-book material and makes for extraordinary visuals that will enable you to illustrate your content.
Before you start writing, be sure to also see what your competitors are offering in the e-book department. Do some research around the topics you’re considering writing about, and then see how you can differentiate your e-book with a unique angle that hasn’t yet been covered. If you want your e-book to be highly successful, it needs to offer something new to the niche and marketplace.
How to Write Your E-book
When you’ve found the perfect topic and you sit down to start writing, there are a few key tips you’ll want to keep in mind to help ensure you’re following some of the best practices.
Focus on a how-to
People often buy e-books because they want to learn how to do something, so take a step-by-step approach when writing. Walk the reader through processes, show lots of examples, and weave in your relevant personal experiences when it feels appropriate. Spell every step of the process out in great detail, as this helps make the content more valuable for the reader.
Take it slow
Don’t rush yourself through the writing process. Instead, set a daily or weekly goal for the number of pages or chapters you want to accomplish, and then stick to those parameters. Using a tool like the FocusBoosterApp or the Pomodoro Technique, you can help minimize distractions while you write
Write in a language that’s simple, clear, and easy to digest.
Try not to use any jargon, acronyms, or industry lingo that may be unfamiliar to the reader. If you need a free tool that will help ensure you’re writing in highly simplified language, use the Hemingway App.
Think of a compelling title
The title of your e-book will be a large part of what convinces a buyer to purchase — so make it interesting and appealing to your target audience. Use things like a curiosity gap, a pain point, or a desirable end goal to make your readers feel like your e-book is a must-have.
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